

A new application designed for mobile phones running Android and iOS will delight all lovers of good beer. It was developed in the development team of iNeed Company Ltd. and launched on November 21st, 2012. The main advantage of this application is the possibility to search different beers and breweries, show different shops, mark your favorite beers, evaluate them and many others.

Pivopedia provides a user an alphabetic list of beers from selected breweries. An interesting option is the evaluation of a beer and information about its color, alcohol content – in percentage and grades, the type (lager, soft beer…), the frequency of cooking etc. – all with graphics. In the beer detail it is also possible to find bars where you can buy the beer and click through to the brewery that brews it. In addition, the user can add different beers to the Encyclopedia and he can share how he is enjoying the beer via Facebook. It is possible to add coasters, cups, labels, bottles etc. to the Encyclopedia and all this information can be completed by user’s own content and photos. Thus, he can inform his friends anytime and anywhere via social networks about what beer he likes.

Very original application for all those who love the golden drink, or would like to know something more about it.